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Federal Bank IFSC code Kochi Kerala | Epifi Federal Neo Banking Kochi Kerala

  • द्वारा

Here are the IFSC and MICR codes for Kochi, Kerala’s Federal Bank, Epifi Federal Neo Banking. Obtain the most recent Federal Bank, Epifi Federal Neo Banking addresses and phone numbers as well.

Federal Bank IFSC code Kochi Kerala

IFSC code : FDRL0005555

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Branch Code:005555 (Last Six Characters of IFSC Code)
Branch:Epifi Federal Neo Banking
Address:Epifi Federal Neo Banking,federal Towers,marine Drive,kochi,ernakulam,kerala-682031
Phone No:+912261748726
epifi federal neo banking

IFSC code

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) assigns the IFSC code to each bank and each of its branches. Common places to find a bank’s IFSC code include a bank account passbook, a bank-issued check, or the RBI website. A valid IFSC is necessary for any bank-to-bank financial transfer. NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the three different categories of financial transfers.

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How to find IFSC Code?

  • The relevant bank’s check and bank passbook both contain the IFSC code.
  • The Reserve Bank of India’s website offers lists of banks and their corresponding branch locations along with their IFSC codes.
  • On the bank’s official website, you may also find the IFSC code for that specific bank .

Uses of IFSC Code

  • NEFT : National Electronic Fund Transfer. Enables the electronic transfer of money from one bank account to another, whether it is with the same or a different bank.
  • RTGS : Real Time Gross Settlement. Transfer a minimum limit of Rs 2 lakh.
  • IMPS : Immediate Payment Service. Bank Account holder can transfer funds 24X7 365 days.
  • Online Banking : Online banking is an electronic payment system

Also Read : Difference between NEFT and RTGS and IMPS (Hindi)

Uses of IFSC Code
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FAQs on Epifi Federal Neo Banking Kochi Kerala IFSC Code

  1. What is Epifi federal neo banking?

    The Federal Bank Branch of Epifi Federal Neo Banking is now operational in the Ernakulam District. As is well known, one of Kerala’s most populated districts is Ernakulam. The Epifi Federal Neo Banking branch of the Federal Bank is located at Epifi Federal Neo Banking, Federal Towers, Marine Drive, Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala, 682031.

  2. What is the IFSC code of Epifi Federal Neo Banking?

    The IFSC code of Epifi Federal Neo Banking is FDRL0005555

  3. What address is connected to FDRL0005555?

    The location where SBIN0070130 is registered is

  4. Which district is administered by the FEDERAL BANK?

    The district that falls under the FEDERAL BANK is Ernakulam. Epifi federal neo banking

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